The document gathers EU policy, impacts, solutions, and recommendations to confront the climate change challenge.
Researchers reviewed scientific literature and national action plans to assess the implementation of AMR-aquaculture programs.
According to Rabobank’s last report, the value of the global seafood trade reached new heights in 2021 and will endure through 2022 since the world continues to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Salmon Scotland’s report shows that salmon farming’s economic contribution to the country’s economy soared by nearly 20% in 2021, driving Scotland’s recovery after COVID-19.
A report by Cooke Aquaculture shows that the company’s salmon farming operations are having a positive social impact on their employees and the community viability of the remote islands.
This FAO study reviews the issues around the availability and use of information on the genetic diversity of aquatic species.
OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2022-2031 forecasts a slower growth of aquaculture production, a reduction in fishmeal and fish oil prices and an increase in cereal and soybean production in the next decade.
FAO study summarizes developments in the field of genome-based biotechnologies as applied to aquaculture.
The research shows that most consumers believe the seafood industry has the potential to be sustainable and responsible, but this potential is not yet fully realized.
A new FAO report provides data and information on farmed red, brown and green seaweeds.
With softening demand, price corrections, and persistently high production costs, salmon and shrimp farmer profits are likely to decline from recent highs, and farmers may face a challenging 2H.
The growth of aquaculture, particularly in Asia, lifted total production of fisheries and aquaculture to an all-time high of 214 million tonnes in 2020.
World Organisation for Animal Health report shows promising trends in the race to fight antimicrobial resistance and preserve the efficacy of these critical medicines.
GSI members continued to improve the eco-efficiency of feed ingredients, including assessing the role and adoption of novel ingredients and using certified marine raw ingredients and sustainable byproducts.
The total organic aquaculture production at the EU 27 level is estimated at 74,032 tonnes in 2020, accounting for 6.4% of the total EU aquaculture production.
Economically important parameters have been significantly improved through initiatives such as breeding programs and better knowledge among the fish farmers about raising fish.
The global seafood trade rebounded strongly in 2021, driven by growing demand for high-value seafood in the US, EU, and China, according to Rabobank.
A study by GFCM analyzes aquaculture production and trade in the six countries bordering the Black Sea.
A 96-page industry report covers nine segments of digital aquatech and offers an overview of the digital aquatech landscape.
EUMOFA released a new price structure analysis that analyzes the production and market trends of meagre, focusing on price structure along the supply chain in Greece, Italy and Spain.