

Penaeid shrimp broodstock nutrition: An updated review on research and development

This paper, published in 2001, reviews the knowledge on shrimp broodstock nutrition, with special reference to developments during the previous decade.

October 11, 2019

This paper reviews the current knowledge on shrimp broodstock nutrition with special reference to developments during the last decade. Biochemical studies and diet studies are discussed with the aim of identifying the nutrients that are important to sustain optimal shrimp maturation, reproduction and offspring quality. Additionally, an overview is given of the efforts to reveal the nature of maturation-stimulating factors in fresh food, and of the use and performance of commercial and experimental artificial diets.   Wouters, Roeland & Lavens, Patrick & Nieto, Julia & Sorgeloos, Patrick. (2001). Penaeid shrimp broodstock nutrition: An updated review on research and development. Aquaculture. 202. 1-21. 10.1016/S0044-8486(01)00570-1. Full paper