
Technical manuals

Manual for intensive hatchery production of Abalone

This manual is a practical guide to commercial scale seed production of blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) in NSW, Australia with specialized instruction on topics rearing and inducing spawning. The techniques described are geared to efficient and intensive production of abalone spat using small areas of land.


October 31, 2019


This manual is a practical guide to commercial scale seed production of blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra) in NSW, Australia.

The manual provides specialized instruction on:
•how to collect and reproductively condition blacklip abalone broodstock
•how to induce them to spawn
•how to hatchery-rear their young through the larval and early juvenile stages to an age and size suitable for on-farming or for seeding depleted fisheries.

With minor adjustments to methods and equipment, the manual should also serve as a useful production guide for most temperate species of abalone. There is an emphasis on year-round production of spat as opposed to the seasonal production practised to date by commercial abalone farms in Australia.

In view of the scarcity and high cost of coastal sites with access to marine waters in NSW, the techniques described are geared to efficient and intensive production of abalone spat using small areas of land.


High density, seed production, blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra

Table of contents

Section 1
Contents, References
Chapter 1: Abalone biology
Chapter 2: Broodstock collection and husbandry  1.1 MB

Section 2
Chapter 3: Planning and implementating breeding programs
Chapter 4: Introduction of spawning and fertilisation of eggs
Chapter 5: Incubation of eggs and laval rearing
Chapter 6: Nursery production  1.3 MB

Section 3
Chapter 7: Management of nursery raceways and weaning
Chapter 8: Intensive on rearing in shallow raceways
Appendicies, Glossary


Mike Heasman and Nick Savva


Theory and practice for year-round, high density seed production of blacklip abalone (Haliotis rubra)


Click on the link below:

The manual is available for download in full or in sections from the NSW Government Primary Industries Fishing & Aquaculture website.