

MPEDA certifies first shrimp hatchery through SAPHARI

The hatchery scheme of SAPHARI certification will help farmers to easily identify good quality shrimp seed producers.

MPEDA certifies first shrimp hatchery through SAPHARI
April 27, 2021

The Indian Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) certified the first shrimp hatchery through SAPHARI certification for the production of antibiotic-free seeds. 

“The hatchery scheme of SAPHARI certification will help farmers to easily identify good quality shrimp seed producers whereas the certified hatcheries are benefitted by higher demand for their seeds among the farmers,” said Shri K S Srinivas, chairman of MPEDA.

The incidence of rejection of seafood consignments sourced from farms due to the presence of antibiotic residue is a matter of concern for Indian exporters. SAPHARI was proposed as a market tool for hatcheries and farmers to adopt Good Aquaculture Practices and produce good quality, antibiotic-free shrimp products.