
Technical manuals

Manual on production of quality catfish seed

The manual aims to assist in facilitating and delivering improved technologies to catfish breeders to produce fast-growing and healthy fingerlings for profitable ventures.

Manual on production of quality catfish seed
August 19, 2021

Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT), together with WorldFish, noted that fish farmers in Africa are confronted with many challenges in producing catfish. These include a lack of poor-quality fish seed, low skills of fish breeders in BMPs, high fry and fingerling mortality and the lack of knowledge on fish health management among hatcheries. 

The organizations released Extension manual on production of quality catfish seed that aims to assist extension workers and other trainers in facilitating and delivering improved technologies to catfish breeders to produce fast-growing and healthy fingerlings for profitable ventures. 

Some of the topics covered in the manual are how to enhance the productivity of catfish,  enhance knowledge on broodstock selection and management and artificial breeding methods, acquire experience of BMPs in a hatchery for increased productivity and build entrepreneurial skills in business plan development for sustainable hatchery ventures, among others. 

Download the manual below. 
